Wednesday, February 7, 2007

5 minutes introduction to islam

A 5 minute introduction to islam for non-muslims and muslims who want to clear their basic concept about islam... This video should clear some basic misconception about islam insyaallah.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Islam around the world.

A video illustrating some of the conflict hotspots around the world involving Islamists, and some of the countries that have been victim of Islamic Terrorist attacks.

Allah Is Known Through Reasons

The majority of people say that they know Allah and believe in Him. In truth, however, they do not know and measure Allah with His true measure. For this, one needs to have "reason and wisdom."

Mohammed's (PBUH) grave

Not many have seen this spot, maybe cause photography and video is prohibited in this area (so excuse the quality cause I was hiding behind someone) . Not for security reasons, but because you are supposed to stand there to visit prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). But I felt obliged to show this to the world, especially people who are interested in Islam, and even the people who attack us without taking the time to know more about us and our religion... Mohammed is burried behind these gates.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

carrying the message (of islam) a short video

a short video by Yusuf Estes National Muslim Chaplain (Christianity to Islam) The true message for all humanity, the perfect religion

intro to islam

MashaAllah beatiful explaination and intro to Islam:) May Allah bless him, ameen. (just to let you know he is former christian)

Islamic Thinkers Society Video Press Release to Muslims(2-4)

The second part of the Islamic Thinkers Society's video press release which is directed exclusively to the Muslim Communities of North America. In which it tells them of the hypocritic nature of the so-called Islamic organizations